Life Groups

There is a Life Group for every member of your family. The purpose of the Life Groups is not to merely teach a Bible lesson. It is to Learn, Invest in others, Fellowship with others in community, and Engage in ministry. We invite you to join us this Sunday! See which life group is right for you.

Life Groups List


"Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers."
~ 1 Tim 4:12

AWANA Clubs is a ministry that meets every Friday at 6:45 PM from mid September to early May for children ages 4 through 12. Each night includes an interactive Bible lesson, fun games, book time, and other exciting events. The goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and then train them to serve Him. If you have never experienced a Friday night at AWANA, we would love to have you join us.

Learn More

Youth Ministry

We want to encourage teens, grades 7 - 12, to be excited for the Lord through Biblical preaching, teaching, and modeling. We meet every Sunday morning for Sunday school as well as Wednesday night Youth Group. In addition to our services, we have many fun-filled activities throughout the year.

The Teen years can be difficult, and challenging! Through Sunday classes, regular outreach, monthly activities, mission trips, retreats, and programs, the teens at KPBC are challenged and equipped to live for Christ while they are in their youth. We do everything within our power to provide the Bible-based wisdom that teens need, combined with the friendly atmosphere that teens enjoy!

Ladies' Ministries

Ladies Bible Studies helping women grow together through Bible study, fellowship, and activities by encouraging them to be godly women, wives, and mothers. Ladies Bible Study meets during the school year for Bible studies on women's issues and questions from the Bible. The group meets every Friday morning.

Fellowships are an important part of our ladies ministry. The opportunity to 'get away from it all' and spend some time with godly ladies is refreshing. Each spring the ladies get away for an annual retreat in northern New Jersey. In May, they enjoy a formal banquet provided by the church to thank them for the difference they make in each of our lives. There are other fellowships the ladies enjoy.

Men's Ministries

Men's Ministry provides accountability and opportunities for men to encourage and challenge one another in their spiritual walk with the Lord through Bible study, fellowship, & activities. Prayer Breakfast is a time for men to get together and pray. It always begins with a hearty breakfast prepared by one of the men. It is then followed by a short challenge on prayer. Finally, each man breaks into a smaller group and prays for the men of the church.

Fellowships help bring men together to sharpen one another (Pro. 27:17). Each fall the men get away on a retreat and are encouraged by strong preaching geared toward men and are encouraged by solid fellowship. Around Fathers Day both dads and sons come together to enjoy a cookout and a reminder to mentor the next generation. The men enjoy other fellowships as well.

World Missions

"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." ~ Matthew 9:38

God’s Word instructs us to reach the world with the Gospel. We understand that not all are called to serve to the Lord in full time service, but we are certainly thankful for those who are. Kendall Park Baptist has the privilege of supporting fourteen different missionaries that are reaching from "Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the world" with the Gospel.
Missionary List
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